Rechercher des projets européens

Lehrerfortbildung als Multiplikator für Aufbau und Vertiefung europäischer Netzwerke in der beruflichen Bildung
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Nowadays it is very important to strengthen the European network and the exchange of teaching experience.Participants are expected to enhance their level of English and the quality of teaching in cooperative inquiry-based project learning, workshops, seminars and excursions, etc.. Areas of study such as society, education, art, literature, history and geography will help participants to get to know different European cultures and ways of life in a multicultural European setting. This should help teachers of every subject to disseminate their learning and support their students` aquisition of key competences. It will develop personal and vocational horizons. The international exchange will probably introduce new learning and teaching methods and techniques which will inspire participants and lead to a diversified curriculum The development of new teaching concepts and even subjects will be supported.Sustainable Partnerships will be supported, consolidated and extended, serving as a kind of blueprint and orientation for other interested colleagues and departments of our school.The project will create and enhance the enthusiasm for international learning. It will make students as well as teachers more interested in taking part in Erasmus+-projects, work placements and study trips abroad. It will help them to understand the importance of European cooperation from personal experience.After the course, the bonds of international co-operation that might be established with other participants in this programme will expand the European Dimension of our school by providing opportunities to share and disseminate professional knowledge and examples of good practices or by setting up international inquiry-based learning projects with our students or other students in Europe which will be enhancing for both, students and teachers. It will help to support the introduction, maintenance and extension of projects and sustainable partnerships. The participants of our project intend to act as multipliers in this respect.

