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Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information 2.0 (LAPSI 2.0)
Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The objective of the LAPSI 2.0 thematic network is to identify the remaining legal barriers and obstacles to access and re-use of public sector information (PSI) on the European content market, and to provide measures and tools to overcome or reduce these barriers and to stimulate the progress of the European market towards open data. LAPSI 2.0 brings together academic experts with stakeholders from the public and private sector in order to provide clear insights in the remaining legal issues with regard to access to data, intellectual property rights and competition, institutional embedding and enforcement, and licensing frameworks. It will build on the results of and lessons learned in the existing LAPSI thematic network, and consolidate LAPSI's position as the forum par excellence for consensus building on legal aspects relating to PSI and open data. By creating a platform for continuous interaction, knowledge exchange and policy discussion, the LAPSI 2.0 thematic network will stimulate the re-use of PSI, promote the growth of the European content market and, ultimately, contribute to a sustainable single market in the European Union.The network will organise several types of events in order to achieve its objectives. Thematic meetings will be arranged for small scale debate on strategies for moving forward in the debate on legal aspects. Based on this debate, joint meetings of the network will combine the findings of the thematic meetings in an encompassing view on the regulatory framework for PSI. Next, four workshops will be organised in cooperation with external partners in order to embed the project's work in ongoing activities regarding technical, social, economic, cultural or institutional aspects. Finally, two conferences will present LAPSI 2.0's results to the broader stakeholder community. The results of the debates in these events will be laid down in good practices collections, position papers and guidance documents, and a PSI legal toolbox for the re-user.



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21 Participants partenaires