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LEarning Outcome-oriented quality mobility placements to gain transparency and recognition of qualifications within the Tourism and Catering field

One of the central ideas underlying European LLL policy is that international mobility should become a natural part of education and training schemes. This helps learners to achieve higher qualification levels which are crucial for a successful first step into the labour market or for career improvements. However, what still hampers the full potential of learning mobility within the EU are the problems surrounding the recognition of learning periods spent abroad. There still exist, in fact, constraints due to the difficulty in having one’s learning outcomes achieved abroad in formal, informal and non formal learning evaluated, validated, recognised, accumulated and transferred. In order to address these issues, the aim of the project was to identify an operative framework to test ECVET and to facilitate the validation, recognition, accumulation and transfer of units of learning outcomes. The project provided concrete methodological tools to analyse and describe a range of vocational qualifications (EQF 2-3 levels – Tourism and Catering sector) in terms of units of learning outcomes and a Model that permits the validation, recognition, accumulation and transfer of units of learning outcomes with reference to the existing European tools (EQF, Europass, ECTS) and principles (validation of non formal and informal learning, quality assurance) in order to reduce the barriers to mobility across Europe. With a view to developing and testing concepts and procedures to augment learners’ mobility and making qualifications more transparent and portable, thus improving the common understanding of EU citizens’ learning outcomes within trans-national mobility, better valuing individuals’ experiences and upgrading skills for employability, the project aimed to test ways of putting ECVET into practice. Practical activities such as mobility programmes, workshops/peer learning activities and blended learning schemes tested the comparability of learning outcome units and the processes of assessment, validation and recognition.The project consolidated and integrated sound partnership between VET providers, stakeholders and National institutions responsible for VET qualifications systems across Europe enhancing cooperation and networking and promoting mutual trust, with the final purpose of implementing ECVET. The whole activities were implemented by regarding a strong European perspective which was reflected in all project outputs and results. The project aimed to increase the knowledge of ECVET and its technical specifications and ensuring that the added value of ECVET is understood and perceived all over Europe.


22 Participants partenaires