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Learning about the causes and effects of gender (im)balance in Central Europe
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This 2-year regional project innovatively contributes to public debate and learning on origins and consequences of gender inequality in the V4 (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). It support production of open (freely available) educational resources (OER ) in diverse European languages and strengthens institutional capacities and human resources of participating organizations from V4. There are virtually no ‘reader-friendly’ learning resources available on the theme of gender equality in the V4 and this project aims to bridge this gap. While it is widely known that women are underrepresented in positions of power, the origins and implications of this situation are rarely discussed in Central Europe. The topic of gender imbalance appears in the media only occasionally, when there are elections and/or when an NGO or international organization publishes a report with new data. This occasional public debate is mostly concentrated on women representation in elected bodies, while little is known about their presence in executive positions in other walks of life. Deeper analyses of the status quo are typically confined to gender studies departments of academic institutions, and non-governmental volunteer organizations active in the area of gender equality face obstacles in spreading the debate to wider audiences. The four participating organizations, with a long track-record of educational, publishing and outreach/communication activities (Forum 50% (CZ), Democracy in Central Europe (SK), Hungarian Women's Lobby (HU) and the Congress of Women (PL) ) will collect and analyze data on origins and implications of gender imbalance in selected public and executive positions. Based on these data, the partners will prepare analytical yet reader-friendly articles and disseminate them to broad audience of youth and youth educators. The articles (learning materials in a form of Open Education Resource) will remain online even after the end of project duration. The partners will organize four workshops on project related themes, parts of these workshops will be open to wider audience of youth educators. A very important part of the project is its communication adn dissemination strategy, which will ensure that the project results are available to the broadest number of target group members (youth and youth educators).



3 Participants partenaires