Rechercher des projets européens

Le volontariat, formation à la tolérance et à la citoyenneté européenne
Date du début: 31 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our project will enable young Europeans to experience the real social Europe and assist by their presence in a country that is not theirs, the host organization but also other people of all age to build a true European consciousness.The objectives of our project :- Promote the construction of a social Europe, taking particular account of the vulnerable groups in difficulties, and also awakens the consciousness to environmental protection ,- Promote European and international exchanges to develop shared experiences of solidarity and meeting the world's cultures as training tolerance and active citizenship.This project enables at 2 young german men of 19 and 18 years old, to do a European Voluntary Service in France, in Toulon from 01/09/2016 to 20/08/2017. They will bring their help in organisations which accompanying people in social difficulties.Different tasks will be proposed to volunteers : hosting people, help on workshops, on daily and administrativ tasks...Young volunteers will be followed by sending organisations : Europahaus Aurich and Eurocircle and a coordinating organisation : ICE-RF.ICE-RF organises a two week preparation in august 2016 at Niederbronn-les-Bains and others seminars in differents regions of France, one in november 2016 and one in avril/may 2017. Each structure has precise missions, inspired by the Erasmus+ guide.Results and impacts expected are :for volunteers, affirm their will to be engaged, increase their social and linguistic culture, enable them to be aware of their competencies. for organisations, enable them to continue to host and send volunteers,for the focussed public, enable them to do exchange with people from other culture and to show an example of realised project.Potential long term advantages are to make of this volunteers and this structures examples of well european exchanges, and that other young people and structures do this type of project.



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