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“Languages: Gateway to the Future”
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016,
Date de fin: 31 août 2017
In summary, we aim to improve the language teaching and learning at our school through the development and implementation of our project “Languages: Gateway to the Future”. We will do this by sending six KS2 teaching staff on an immersion course in Spain, and using experiences and learnings to build an effective MFL department in our school.We need to make the transition from teaching French to introducing Spanish as the core MFL at Kentmere. Our teaching staff do not currently feel confident enough in their own skills to deliver the Spanish curriculum and therefore require considerable training in both the language and support to understand the cultural nuances in Spain. They are highly motivated to embark on this new learning journey, and keen to make a lasting impact within the school. Given the priority that at least one language must now be taught at KS2, we are focussing on developing teaching practice in KS2 only. However, we have a longer term view to involved the whole school, and will carry out training for EYS/KS1 and those not directly involved in project i.e. TAs to develop their language skills and enhance their cultural understanding.Thus teaching and learning will be improved through participation in this project, and standards of language delivery will be enhanced through new experiences and learnings. Lessons will be planned, taught and assessed to a consistently high standard and Spanish language will be embedded into every day routines, and not just spoken in designated lesson time. Use of new technologies will be integral to the teaching and learning of Spanish, as well as the communication between link schools in Spain.There will be an enhanced awareness of the significance of languages spoken in our school, and local community. We will celebrate the multicultural diversity that is characteristic of our school, and use the project to raise awareness of the importance of Spanish as a key international language. We are keen to involve the learners themselves as much as possible and will ask them, at regular intervals, to share their feedback about language learning and the impact the project is having on their learning experiences. We will use the project to interact with a number of key stakeholders:• Identify and maintain communication with link schools in Spain, through relationships with teaching counterparts, and also as a platform for sharing information for pupils• develop key relationships with cluster primary schools to share experiences, resources and learnings• develop links with our local secondary schools to support transition to KS3• involve parents and the local community as part of our ‘languages days’.Throughout the project we will monitor and measure success and report these at regular intervals to SLT, the Board of Governors and the wider school team.
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