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Labour Market in Touch: new non-routine skills via mobile game-based learning
Date du début: 1 nov. 2010,

The severity of the financial crisis adds an exceptional degree of unpredictability about the future. In the service sector, there is a clear tendency towards the broadening of the required skills portfolio linked to "non-routine" tasks. This reflects the growing demand from employers for transversal key competencies, such as problem-solving, self-management and communication, more generally "non-routine skills".But adults seeking further education face new logistical challenges(place-bound and busy people), claiming for more flexible pathways and an easier access to training offer. This 2 years project aims to spread an innovative approach enabling new generations of workers from business services SMEs to develop their crucial non-routine skills via mobile Learning. On the bases of the EU recommendations described in the document New skills for new jobs, the partners will design an ad hoc mobile training environment teaching crucial non routine skills in a labour market, flexible and technological oriented way.On the other side, SMEs consultants will be trained in order to further support the implementation process within SMEs. The new figure of m-Learning facilitator will be able to create open mobile didactical environments, to promote and support change within individual SME client environments. A dedicated project website will be also developed and an international conference held to enable fuller dissemination of Labour Market in Touch products and results.Outcomes: improved sectoral identification and anticipation of skill needs, their integration in VET provision, and a promoted integration of learning with working.All the tools will be available in 7 different linguistic versions. The multi-actorial partnership, through its wide network of VET institutions and SMEs, will be able to reach the addressed targets through their continuous involvement in the project activities, and through specific exploitation events that will reach 15.000 final users.



7 Participants partenaires