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l resources for the posting of liaison officers to.. (Pool resources for t..)
l resources for the posting of liaison officers to third countries and international organisations
(Pool resources for the posting of liaison officers to third countries and international organisations)
Date du début: 31 déc. 2009,
Date de fin: 29 juin 2011
Pool resources for the posting of liaison officers to third countries and international organisations in order to fight serious forms of cross-border crime, such as drug trafficking, inter alia by considering the further development of the existing Council Decision on the common use of liaison officers posted abroad by the law enforcement agencies of the Member States within the Baltic Sea Region.To more effectively fight serious forms of cross-border crime, such as drug trafficking, the aim is to elaborate the initiative of the cross-use of liaison officers posted to third countries from BSTF countries and enforce the EU Council Decision 2003/170 i/RIA from 27 February 2003. Achievements: The project was prepared by the BSTF Operative Committee (OPC). The first step taken during summer 2010 was to collect information on the Member States Liaison Officers posted abroad, both inside and outside the EU. During the meeting in Tallinn (Estonia, September 2010) the OPC agreed to encourage the EU Member States to more efficiently and regularly use the existing Liaison Officers Network for the needs and benefit of all the Member States in the Baltic Sea Region as well as to get the third countries' acceptance of the proposed working method. This decision was finally confirmed by the personal representatives of Heads of the Baltic Sea States (Task Force) in their meeting in Vihula Manor, Estonia (2nd December 2010).
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