Rechercher des projets européens

Különböző kultúrák egy hullámhosszon - EVS XIII.
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Run by the ’For Cultural Life Non-profit Organization’ and reachable through Nyíregyháza (and at every point of the world via Internet), the community, non-profit youth-cultural radio (Mustar FM, 89.6 Mhz or tries to give space to cultural diversity since its’ launch. Through our volunteer activities so far, we have managed to bring the French , Ukrainian, Turkish , Romanian, Armenian , German, Portuguese, Polish, Italian , Icelandic, Spanish , Lithuanian, Austrian and Belgian culture to youths in Nyíregyháza and to the audience of the radio. We would like to continue this activity with the hosting of 7 volunteers, learning about new cultures (Azerbaijan) and get the audience acquainted with them. The program starts at the 1st January, 2015 with preparation; the duration of voluntary service is between the 1st February, 2015 and the 31st January, 2016, so it lasts 12 months and the post-work of the program lasts until 1st March, 2016. We have managed to reach applicants for the program from the following countries: Russia , Italy, France , Spain, Georgia , Azerbaijan and Germany. We would like to get the youths working at the radio as well as the radio audience acquainted with the language and culture of these countries. The volunteers do their activity in the studio designed at Mustarhaz run by the organization. Their task involves every phase of the programming (staff meetings, topic selection and development, program recording, editing and cutting programs). The volunteers arriving at our organization participate in a short preparatory briefing and in team-building sessions, then during their stay, they make their program together with the staff members with ongoing professional management. Beyond this, the volunteers can get involved in the life of Mustarhaz; can participate in organizing cultural programs and with their participation, they can make the themes of the programs to be more colourful.



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