Rechercher des projets européens

Krok po kroku do sukcesu
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project „Step by step to success” which we have intention to carry out deals with teacher staff development. Its definite objective is raising the level of their qualifications in the areas described as the key ones in our school's performance. Improvement of the staff's qualifications will take place, among others, during various types of courses, workshops, exchange of experiences ,observations of other institutions and educational trips. While directly only limited group of twelve teachers will participate in them, yet the factual knowledge gained through these meetings is to be transmitted to the rest of staff members. Each group of leaders will have a task not only to apply new solutions but also to present them to the others.Those asigned for this task will represent supervising personnel, science teachers, and supporting teachers. Such nature of choice is tightly connected with the character of changes we intend to introduce. First of all we need to face the neccessity of introducing changes in teaching approaches, which means finding such solutions that will be motivating for our students. However our ultimate target is not only better results on final exams, but rather taking over the responsibility for the process of learning by the students themselves, defining the objectives and consequent espiring towards the them while using maximum of one's own possibilities and according to their individual level. Therefore a group of teachers will take part in the course on diagnosing and developing educational possibilities, yet as a team we will take actions to enable everyone recognize student's potential, describe and indicate it to the student and then gradualny ma king the most of it moving to the higher level. Another aspect of changes in our teaching process is connected with novative approach, not so much in terms of methodology, but rather in terms of forms and techniques of our work. In the era of society taking information and communication technology for granted, it is impossible to ignore multimedia. With such a wide range of tools the teacher must be well equipped in knowledge what ICT can be used and how, In order to enrich didactic process efectively. The project involves our participation in the course on incorporating multimedia into regular curriculum. Its aim is to give the teachers such knowledge and skills which will ensure full usage of the technological fascilities available and thus make the teaching material more realistic. The third block of planned activities, comprising the course on integration of students with special needs into their peer environment, results directly from characteristics of our institution. Through the years we have learned to cope with with certain types of disfunctions. However more frequently they have emotional background and on this field we are often defeated. The scale of these disorders is quite large and everything points out to its raising tendency. Nowadays this is a challenge not so much exclusively for the school pedagogist or psychologist but first of all for school management, class tutors and Rother teachers, as it is them who deal with students on regular basis. We will take various actions in order to incorporate disabled students into the school society and support in succeeding acording to the level of their possibilities. As for he expected results of the Project, they seem to be multiplied. Firstly it far better qualified staff equipped with novative techniques and tools, and what is the most import ant, also equipped with some adequate knowledge of their usage and really applaying them into the didactic and tutorial process. Secondly there are students who gradually get more interested in learning because, thanks to the innovative methods, it is easier for them to understand what they are taught. This means better final exam scores what eventually results in fact that they are better prepared for the next step of their education. The last but not least benefit of the project is its European dimension, such as the opportunity to meet other institutions dealing with the same problems, opportunity to get to know other members of European society and opportunity to promote our own country.All these advantages mentioned above mean following the objectives for tuition and education of active citizenship in united Europe. The expected benefits can be described as longterm due to the fact that all the hard products elaborated in the project will stay available for the present and future teachers. Even in case of periodical natural exchange of the staff members, the tradition of good practice will stay and the acquired knowledge and skills will be passed by the potential participants of the project to the next generations of teachers.
