Rechercher des projets européens

Koulu kansainvälistyy
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The young in our community have very limited opportunities to create international contacts in their home community. Hattula has no refugees and many of the students don't personally know anybody with foreign background. Some of them are very prejudiced in their comments. Thus we have an urgent need to get more international than we are at the moment. The international team of our school plans to send some teachers on courses where they will learn how to create a stragedy for getting more international and how to enhance their own pedagogical skills to teach English to the students. During one of the courses some of the teachers will start writing the plan which will be completed by the team. During the courses the teachers will also get to know teachers from other countries and this may lead to new international projects. The students in Hattula will get to know foreigners/foreign countries during their school years. This will motivate them in studying foreign languages because they will personally find out what it's like to get to know different people from different countries. Our main objective is to create in the youth of Hattula a life-long interest towards travelling, foreign languages & cultures as well as international cooperation.

