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Konferencija za mlade Neka se lokalni glasovi čuju!
Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Youth Conference Let the Local Voices be heard! Is a continuation of a very successful and sustainable project in the field of youth democratization our organization as the creator and coordinator carries out since 2011 within the process of structured dialogue. It is focused on the systematic development of conditions and stakeholders in the youth sector aiming the creation and implementation of quality youth policies in Primorje – Gorski Kotar Copunty. Project continues to develop with every following edition in accordance with its results and the needs of participants including members of Youth Advisory Bodies as representatives of young people in their local communities (30 of them from 15 cities and a County) , decision-makers (15 of them) and 15 representatives of local government working with youth. Including four trainers of youth workshops and sessions at a conference, project manager and two young volunteers, project gathers 67 participants in total. Objective of this project is to empower participants through information, counselling, education and published material provided within youth conference on importance of quality local youth policies and defining the role of the Youth Advisory Bodies (associations) in the process and finally to empower young people to take an active role in their local community. At the same time , project is facilitating a systematic youth participation in decision-making process with the support of relevant local stakeholders. In addition to activities within the preparatory phase which relate to preparation of the content, materials and participants of the central event, highlight of the project is a two-day conference focused on the current IV cycle of structured dialogue and political participation of young people as its theme. Relevant experts within the topic will be transferring the latest trends, recommendations information and knowledge in the field of youth policies at EU, national, regional and local level answering the needs of all participants throughout workshops and sessions on the conference. It will be an opportunity to introduce and disseminate among participants the mutual „Youth participation in (political) decision making process“ created to the needs of participants of the project expressed within conducted research in 2012 and consultations in 2014. It contains a detailed methodology for development of local youth programs. It will be an important asset in achieving overall goal and a long term impact of the project – development of systematic support for youth participation in decision-making process on local level, taking an active role in building quality conditions of youth's life building capacities to create, implement an evaluate local politics to/for/with young people within Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.



3 Participants partenaires