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Knowledge FOr Resilient soCiEty
Date du début: 15 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2019 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

WBR needs to improve the resilience to hazards are recognized as needs for experts capable to improve regional capacity/cooperation in risk prevention and response.In 3-year 7 curricula will be modernized/developed/implemented at WBC HEIs:4 Disaster Risk Management & Fire Safety Engineering (DRM&FSE) academic master programs/modules (MP), DRM&FSE PhD program (DP), Protection Engineering vocational MP and Financial Resilience vocational MP module.Modernization/Development direction of MPs will be defined based on national/regional needs and know-how transfer from program partner (PR) HEIs. The Syllabi core and common learning outcomes will be aligned with NQF/EQF.6 educational ICT based labs at WBC HEIs will be created (WP1).DP development will be based on WBR needs, disaster trends, available recourses and novel approach provided by PR (WP2).Teaching methodologies (WP3) will be improved through study visits and trainings, coordinated by PR HEIs. Blended learning material (EN/SR/AL/BH) will be created, peer-reviewed by PR HEIs, evaluated and fine-tuned.B-learning material will be available via flexible ICT platform, timely for MPs’ implementation. At least 120 students will be enrolled during project period (WP4). DP will start in the 3rd project year, with at least 12 students enrolled. Research area and themes will be selected based on WB priorities (WP5). Selected lectures will be held by HEIs professors at MPs and DP.Continuing education will be implemented in blended way, based on WBC needs and learning outcomes according to NQF/EQF (WP6). Selected MPs Syllabi and learning material will be adapted for LLL courses. DRM&FSE Glossary (EN/SR/AL/BH) will be created, externally peer-reviewed and published.QA mechanisms and procedures will be implemented (WP7), monitoring will be done by PR HEIs and external expert.Dissemination: K-FORCE Website, ICT platform, e-library, events and media (WP8).Project management will be provided by the coordinator PMT (WP9).



13 Participants partenaires