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Kingsriver Community
Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Kingsriver Community provides residential and day-care (in the form of training, therapy and meaningful work). Beneficiaries are adults and young people with fewer opportunities (due to disadvantaged economical background, lack of education, disability, abuse, mental health problems, alcohol problems). The focus is on people’s abilities rather than their disabilities. The aim is that they are enabled to be included in society as much as possible . That they learn to recognise bullying behavior towards them and learn to stand up for themselves and others Kingsriver assesses and provides the supports/training people need, to lead fulfilled lives, (free of bullying and harassment) so they reach their potential and be included in society as much as they want to be. Beneficiaries learn to actively participate: first of all in Kingsriver, then in their local community and eventually in the world at large.(Last year some of our people with fewer opportunities went on a short term EVS in Slovakia and we envisage to do a similar project this year). They take part in advocacy training and advocacy groups, exercising their right to equal opportunities. Volunteers from many different countries help them to widen their horizons through their interaction on a daily basis. Our staff is culturally very diverse and participants are exposed to many different cultures and nationalities. Consequently, volunteers will learn what it means to have fewer opportunities and to be marginalized in society. Tolerance, acceptance, empathy and openness to people being different are the main features that volunteers will be confronted with. This will happen informally in our weekly programme through dialogue, teamwork, art and craft projects and our inclusive sport program. Volunteers support, enhance and initiate activities that give our beneficiaries more opportunities to become independent and be more included in society. Methods we use are: dialogue, art and craft projects, horticulture, food preparation, sport and creative woodwork. All learning is done through doing and afterwards reflecting and evaluating, sometimes by talking other times by drawing, photo and film. Volunteers enrich the lives of our beneficiaries, they open the world for them and in the process volunteers learn about tolerance, support, care and empathy. They also learn a lot of practical, organisational and teamwork skills. But most importantly they learn a lot about themselves and leave the project being enriched and being more confident and this stands to them for the rest of their lives.



4 Participants partenaires