Up2Europe est un accélérateur d’idées pour des projets de coopération.
La plateforme Ma Région Sud fait partie de l'écosystème de Up2Europe qui permet de booster la coopération à un niveau supérieur!
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Jóvenes mejor preparados, mas competitivos y con mas adaptabilidad al mercado laboral europeo gracias a las practicas y a la formación profesional en empresas de Inglaterra.
Jóvenes mejor preparados, mas competitivos y con m..
Jóvenes mejor preparados, mas competitivos y con mas adaptabilidad al mercado laboral europeo gracias a las practicas y a la formación profesional en empresas de Inglaterra.
Date du début: 1 juin 2014,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2015
The Joan Maragall School ( Ludus Sanctius SL) is an educational center with over 40 years of history that offers subsidized post -compulsory studies by the Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia in High School, Vocational Training , entrance examinations for higher vocational and training for employment. We are , therefore, a comprehensive training center that evolves according to the changing needs of our society but and at the same time maintains values and an educational project true to our origins.
With this project we want to get our students to have more autonomy and confidence in Europe in all aspects of life : working, cultural, social , etc. . Having worked and lived in another country of the European Union can give them confidence into future and understand that the borders between member states no longer exist, that Europe is a big family where everyone has the same opportunities and we all want to achieve the same common goals .
The participants are:
- 20 young people between 18 and 30 years old, students in our school or recent graduates of vocational average course of administrative management technician .
2 groups of 10 people each.
15.11.2014 and 30.11.2014
01.02.2015 and 15.02.2015
- 4 staff members of our school who are interested in undergoing a professional training abroad . There will be 2 groups of 2 people each.
15.11.2014 and 30.11.2014
01.02.2015 and 15.02.2015
The main activity will be performed in a company in England for 2 weeks for students and a week of training for the staff of our school. The schedule will be 5 hours a day Monday to Friday .
At the same time the hoste company in England will organize visits and socio- cultural activities .
The project aims to provide our students a better professional and personal training and at the same time improve their level of English.
Students will have more opportunities to find work in Spain and at Community level .
For our school curriculum it would be an important improvement in the field of education both at local, regional and national level. At the same time students can take advantage of the accumulated knowledge and to better understand the educational needs at European level experience.
Host companies can make contacts and better understand how the market works in their area of activity in anohter country which can serve them for future contact and activities at European level.
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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Contactez la Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
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