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Jóvenes emprendedores: participación juvenil y tra..
Jóvenes emprendedores: participación juvenil y transformación social
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015,
Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015
Young entrepreneurs: youth participation and social transformation & quot; It is an initiative of a group of young people from the northwest of Spain (Asturias, Galicia and Castilla y Leon) which have participated for years in awareness sessions that the NGO Youth and Development organizes in our centers. Through these activities think about globalization, the situation faced by our fellows in the South and our role as citizens of this world.
2015 is the European Year of Development, it is an important date because it is in 2015 when the deadline for achieving the MDGs is met and starts the new post-2015 development agenda.
Knowledge of the MDGs and the post 2015 agenda is not widespread in society; for this reason we need to awaken the public a critical spirit, a sense of responsibility and solidarity that allows us to carry out policies for development.
This project is aimed to young people like us, the protagonists of tomorrow that we hope will be better all over the world. We will be the players that will guide with our actions our governments policies carried out in relation to foreign aid.
The project has the following tools:
1) Development of the survey by the Zero team, consisting of young people from Galicia, Asturias and Castilla y Leon. At this stage of development of the survey.
The survey responds to the title: What world do we want after 2015? and it collected the concerns of youth between 13 and 30 years mostly?.
2) Implementation of the survey to groups of young people and young adults in schools and youth associations in various towns and villages in northwest of Spain.
3) Three structured dialogue sessions: Aviles, Valladolid and Vigo with the participation of leaders of the local youth policy and social welfare. These sessions were also attended by all those interested young people who participated in the survey.
4) Sharing of the results of the sessions in a meeting that was held in late June in Mohernando (Guadalajara), which involved young people from different associations and leaders of different entities.
5) Development of a final report (DVD) with an analysis of the survey results and the structured dialogue sessions.
Throughout this period, also:
- We promulgated activities in social networks.
- We informed regularly about the development of each activity.
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