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European Projects
"Jóvenes con alergia a alimentos y látex de Europa..
"Jóvenes con alergia a alimentos y látex de Europa: Together we can"
Date du début: 2 sept. 2015,
Date de fin: 1 sept. 2016
Allergy is a chronic disease that can cause serious critic clinical presentation and anaphylaxis, in some cases leading to death. This inherent danger with which coexists allergic whole person implies high levels of caution in the day by day of allergic person to avoid any contact with the allergen.
In the case of young people who discover their food or latex allergies for the first time, the consequences are even worse. A lack of understanding of their condition come together of their lack of experience in palliative care and the emergence of large social barriers. Can I go to dinner with my friends? What they would think if I have an attack? Will they know what to do?
The EU is aware of the problem of this condition that affects over 150 million people in its member countries (EAACI, 2014) and it is expected affect more than 50% of the population in 2021 (EAACI, 2011). It has therefore begun to create specific rules as is the case of the new regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT of 25 October 2011 on food information.
This project aims to create fundamental tools made by young people for young people who discover their condition first. While young people with food and latex allergies from different European countries meet in a controlled environment, exchange experiences, enjoy leisure time without the constant worry of their illness and create networks for future joint projects.
For this reason, the young people groups of three most important entities of people at risk from severe allergic reactions or their families have been contacted: AEPNAA (Spain), FOOD ALLERGY ITALIA (Italy) and ANAPHYLAXIS CAMPAIGN (UK). They together provided the basis of the project: "Young People with food allergies and latex of Europe:Together We Can"
The project is based on an 8 days long exchange in the month of June 2015 in Can Solà (Vilobí d'Onyar - Girona) where it will be involved 55 young people from different countries: 27 young people from Spain, 14 in Italy and 14 in the UK.
During the meeting language learning, European citizenship and the exchange of experiences and best practices in working with young people with food allergies to latex will be promoted, through the use of informal and non-formal education methodology. Young people will create a video blog and a YouTube channel with videos, experiences, advices....
This will certainly be a great opportunity and experience for these young people. And it would be the first European youth exchange tailored for Youth with food and latex allergies at European level.
Each day one of the entities, will present its association with games, workshops, theater, videos, PowerPoint, etc. A special emphasis will be placed on promoting healthy leisure and outdoor activities. It will add atmosphere to show their country but also will tell us the facilities and difficulties encountered in their everyday life. If your school canteen is adapted, if the school takes special measures, how they feel welcomed or rejected by their peers, if they have difficulty eating out or traveling ... All will find clothed by boys and girls who go through the same of them and from their exchange arise tools to help other young people.
So the impact of this project will be on the young participants themselves (through skills development, increased self-confidence, European networking friendship ..) but also for young allergy across Europe thanks to the results obtained, they will reach to the different allergic institutions across Europe to act as multipliers. Even general European society will become aware of the importance of this condition, increasingly common, thanks to specific campaigns to disseminate the results of this project.
This initiative will serve to empower young participants, create a space to carry own projects and begin to extend networks as young people. But also it will be a reference tool and help other young people with allergies.
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