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Joint reference strategies for rural activities of.. (AGRO_LESS)
Joint reference strategies for rural activities of reduced inputs
Date du début: 30 déc. 2013,
Date de fin: 29 oct. 2015
The AGRO_LESS project aims to establish common reference strategies for the implementation of reduced input agricultural practices in the cross-border area by introducing rural population with the concept of site-specific crop management which through an information and new technology farm management system will be able to identify, analyze and manage variability within fields for optimum profitability, sustainability and protection of land resources. Expected Results: The expected results of the project are: 1. Maximization of production by identifying the areas of reduced productivity and managing them in a different way compared to the whole field. 2. Through reduced input operations farmers are confronted with European Directives that require them to comply with legislative rules concerning farm management and environmental issues. 3. Economical improvement of crop production through the reduced usage of fertilizers applied and water. 4. Opportunities for better resource management. 5. Minimization of risk for the environment particularly with respect to nitrate leaching and groundwater contamination via the optimization of agrochemical products. 6. Increase product quality.
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