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Joining One Caucasus - Fostering Cultural Cooperation in Youth Work
Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Joining ONE CAUCASUS - Fostering cultural cooperation in youth work" bring two volunteers (18 resp. 30 years old) from Germany to Armenia for 5 resp. 12 months. The EVS is linked with a cultural festival for the Caucasus region taking place in Georgia in August, aiming at bringing people from Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan together. The volunteers will attend this festival with an armenian group and afterwards support the network of young people that developped during the festival. Thus they will get a close view on contemporary youth and cultural life in the region, and can implement own cultural projects in their host organisation or community that promote cross-border cooperation, music and art. The project will foster the cooperation between the participating organisations Kultur Aktiv and FYCA and promote the idea of "One Caucasus".



1 Participants partenaires