Rechercher des projets européens

Jobbskuggning kring nyanlända elever, Tyskland
Date du début: 15 août 2016, Date de fin: 14 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The city of Lidköping will in the future continue to receive a large number of refugees and newly arrived pupils. Therefore, there is a need for school units to develop new working methods and enhance the quality of the teaching towards these pupils. The integration and reception of these pupils in regular classes need to be developed. The aim of the project is to improve the skills of teachers and principals regarding refugees and newly arrived pupils, so that we in the best way can help our pupils to achieve the educational aims. The project will also help develop the existing procedures we use today. We also need to gain new perspectives about our attitude in a multicultural classroom. The project supports our curriculum linked to working with internationalization in schools and the Erasmus + aims to contribute to the internationalization and increased quality of education.The project will be implemented through the mobilities of 40 teachers and principals at four different occasions. These mobilities will take place during a period of a year and consists of three job-shadowing opportunities and one training-course. The objective is that the teachers and principals who participate will adopt new approaches and working methods.The implementation of the skills the participants have taken part in will strengthen them and other educators in Lidköping that work with newly arrived pupils.The project will also contribute to the EU's objectives of developing quality in education through international cooperation. The EU-objectives matches both the local aims of Lidköping´s Municipality and Sweden's goals for education - that every pupil will succeed based on their qualifications to reach educational aims. It will also contribute to our willingness for Lidköpings schools to be "A school in the world".



1 Participants partenaires