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Job Shadowing - Teaching Methods
Date du début: 1 févr. 2016,
Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017
Job-shadowing programme in three European SchoolsBackground of the programmeSchkola is an independent educational network located at the three-border-area along the junction of the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. It consists of one nursery school, three primary schools, one secondary school and one grammar school. All of these educational institutions are located at the German-Czech Border or the German – Polish Border and have twin schools within the bordering country. Beginning in class one every pupil studies the language of its neighbouring country. Beside the intercultural point of view the methodology of education should be emphasized. All of our educational institutions prefer alternative methodologies of education and do always search for new methodologies.Issues of the project, prospected results and effectsBy this project the participants/employees are looking forward to broadening their horizons and getting to know other European schools and their ways of education. They will make new experiences for their pedagogic work and get to know new methods and teaching materials.Furthermore the visits should offer new impulses from the area of child psychology and educational studies. After the mobility all participants will work as multipliers for other teachers of our schools. Thus we want to bring our school organisation, the lessons and foreign language competences on a higher level. The participants get to know different models of integration of disabled pupils, as well as of children from ethnic minorities and will report afterwards.Abilities like employee's competence, management competence, curriculum and competence in project management will be increased. European dimension,open mindedness,tolerance and language skills are SCHKOLA values which are already anchored in the concept. But still these abilities are increasable.Enlargement of cross-border activities: New partnerships should develop from this project. Together with the schools that will be visited within the project Erasmus +, other projects for pupils should be realised. Our current partner schools are straight on the border. The experiences of this cross-boarder work should be extended to whole Europe.Content of the projectThe Job-shadowing Programme will take part in 3 European schools.Solvik Skola Järna (Sweden)This school is going to be visited by 5 teachers from the primary section of Schkola Hartau together with the principal of the school. The Solvik School and SCHKOLA both use similar alternative pedagogy. Both schools practise mixed-age lessons with free work and integrate children with handicaps and children from ethnic minorities. 5 teachers who visit this school in Sweden are class teacher and belong to our most experienced stuff. They have been working in SCHKOLA for more than 5 years, identify themselves with the holistic education and want to get more educated on this area. The principal has been in touch with this specific school for many years and would like to get know the organisation structures of the school. Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Rokitnie Szlacheckim (Poland)This school is going to be visited by 3 foreign language teachers from our school. They will focus especially on the bilingual teaching to get some news for our school. Besides that they will get to know the organisation structure of this independent school. The colleagues will also check possibilities of cooperation - international projects, conferences, congress. ZŠ Otokara Březiny, Jihlava (Czech Republic)We are going to send 2 teachers to Jihlava. They are experienced in the work with computers and modern media. The school ZS Breziny is very developed in this area. Besides that they should get to know the concept of foreign language teaching in the school. They also should exchange experiences in project management and check possibilities of cooperation in this area.
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