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Job-Bridge-Europe VIII - Online-Marketing-Praktiku..
Job-Bridge-Europe VIII - Online-Marketing-Praktikum
Date du début: 7 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 6 sept. 2015
We are offering a Pool-project for Free-movers i.e. mainly youngsters from other VET- institutions than ours
Target group are job-beginners and job-seekers in the biographical interface between end of vocational qualification and start of a job that are speaking English on an advanced beginners level. Those young people who partly are jobless since some time (not over one year after having acquired their professional diploma) mostly need good linguistic competences as well as thorough qualification in Applied Information and Communciation Technology. It's a matter of fact that a lot of VET-courses don't provide the youngsters with sufficient practical Know-How in this highly innovative sector. In combination with weak linguistic competences there is a serious obstacle for employability as modern Labour market is increasingly demanding those crucial qualifications.
Our traineeship project has already proven to deliver particularly these learning-outcomes. In addition to increased social and especially intercultural competence there is a tailor-made IT-marketing qualification profile which will result in better versatility on the international labour market.
The workload to be executed mainly consists in elaborating websites, connecting social media and a variety of tasks on the broad field of evolving online-marketing activities. Without any doubt the programme is performance- oriented which means that daily duty-hours begin at 9.00 a.m. and end at 6.00 p.m.
During the 12 months from september 2014 - september 2015 there will be 8 Flows with 3 persons each and altogether 24 people could thus participate in that interesting programme which into the bargain is taking place on an attractive spot on the globe which definitely is the north of teneriffa-island.
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