Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 6 juin 2016, Date de fin: 5 mars 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The spotlight in Europe has been brought into following issues. Refugee crisis, being the first one, has affected all of the countries involved in this project, and beyond. While Europe has practiced the ‘open arms’ policy by accepting huge refugee inflow, the crisis was handled merely in humanitarian way, by providing shelter, water and food to refugees, without enabling them to adapt and assimilate into new culture. The above led to a series of physical and sexual attacks on women in numerous European cities during New Years Eve, the one in Cologne being the biggest. The reaction that followed the attacks was further radicalization of public discourse against migrants and refugees; while at the same time triggering fear among women and addressing gender based violence with a rooted attitude saying that they somehow provoked it.This motivated us to design the training course #JeSuisWoman with aim to explore the correlation between these two issues. The training course will be addressed to 21 youth workers, youth leaders and multipliers (+ 4 memebers of training team) coming from Croatia, Germany, Greece, France, Italy and Turkey. It will be held in Zagreb, Croatia from 26th of September to 4th of October 2016.Participants will be provided with a set of competencies needed to address the issues tackled by this project in a proper way. The program will follow non formal learning principles and it will provide an opportunity for participants to exchange tools, gain experiences, knowledge and skills and empower themselves, particularly focusing in the field of human rights protection and competences development, supporting their activism in the society, while contributing to their personal development and social change, with focus at gender based violence, gender based discrimination, human rights, intercultural learning and inclusion. This TC will provide significant contribution to participants in the acquisition of civic and social competence, acquiring knowledge and skills that can enhance quality of youth work, through using non-formal learning tools, peer-to peer and participatory approach. Moreover we want to have an impact on the local community, provoking the change in how we react to gender based violence; at the same time raising awareness on issues refugees and migrants are facing. This will be done by disseminating and exploiting the results of this project - manual with all the methods used will be created and an Internet platform called 'Women of Europe' will be kicked off. Using the available tools such as VALOR, SALTO and social networks we'll be able to reach impact on European level, targeting youngsters, youth workers, youth NGO's as one group, and women in general as the second group.We are strongly convinced that this project will have a long term benefit because it will provoke positive social change in the way we react to and approach gender related issues. Women in Europe will be empowered to speak up; while refugees and immigrants will be provided with appropriate and well-time activities aimed to contribute to their integration process. This will lead to creating a safer and more prosperous environment for all Europeans.Fokus javnosti u Europi trenutno je na pitanju izbjegličke krize, koja je utjecala na sve zemlje uključene u ovaj projekt, i šire. Politika otvorenih ruku - prihvaćanje ogromnog priljeva izbjeglica značila je upravljanje krizom tek na humanitaran način - pružajući sklonište, vodu i hranu izbjeglicama, bez omogućavanja adaptacije i asimiliranja u novu kulturu.To je dovelo do niza fizičkih i seksualnih napada na žene u više europskih gradova tijekom novogodišnje noći, onim u Kölnu kao najvećim. Reakcija koja je uslijedila uzrokovala je daljnju radikalizaciju javnog diskursa usmjerenog protiv imigranata i izbjeglica; u isto vrijeme izazivajući strah među ženskom populacijom i adresirajući rodno uvjetovano nasilje s ukorijenjenim stavom koji poručuje ženama da su one same to izazvale.To nas je potaknulo na stvaranje treninga #JeSuisWoman (#JaSamŽena) čiji je cilj istražiti korelaciju između ova dva pitanja. Trening će okupiti 25 sudionika (trening tim uključen) koji dolaze iz Hrvatske, Grčke, Njemačke, Danske, Francuske, Belgije i Turske. Održat će se u Zagrebu, Hrvatska u periodu od 26.9. do 4.10.2016.Sudionicima će biti pružen niz kompetencija potrebnih za rješavanje pitanja otvorenih projektom na odgovarajući način. Program će slijediti načela neformalnog učenja te će pružiti priliku sudionicima za razmjenu alata, stjecanje iskustva, znanja i vještina i samo-osnaživanje, posebno s naglaskom na polju zaštite ljudskih prava i razvoju kompetencija, podržavajući njihov aktivizam u društvu, te doprinijeti njihovom osobnom razvoju i društvenim promjenama, fokusirajući se na rodno uvjetovano nasilje, spolnu diskriminaciju, ljudska prava, interkulturalno učenje i inkluziju.



5 Participants partenaires