Rechercher des projets européens

Jazyková a odborná příprava učitelů SŠTZ
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project of the Secondary School of Technology and Agriculture in Novy Jicin is treated for updating of the school educational programmes, for better qualification of students. as a preparation for practical trainings and educational stays abroad intended for students and teachers. The current language skills of our school staff (mostly A-level CEFR) do not allow us to organize and realize such activities to a needed extent. The opportunities to participate in professional courses and conferences abroad are considerably limited too. The school does not have sufficient contact with new pieces of knowledge and methods used in Europe.The goal is that more teachers will have communication knowledge of English. It is required that the teachers of all fields of study (agriculture, ecology, economics, engineering, building industry, wood processing) will be able to establish and use contacts with foreign partners.The project follows the previous English courses so the teachers have the elementary knowledge. The aim of the courses abroad is to obtain communication skills.Under the terms of the project, 8 school employees will undergo preparatory language courses and afterwards three-week English courses at the language school in London. Language teaching connected with the stay in Great Britain will prepare the teachers, school management and office employees for active communication with foreign partners.The teachers of professional subjects will join the course as a matter of priority.Under the terms of the project, seven teachers will go through the methodological and professional courses abroad.The school educational programmes will be updated on the basis of the knowledge from the language courses and educational stays of the teachers and pupils. The teaching will approach more requirements in practice of the employers in this country as well as abroad. In the long term the teaching and education will be improved in all fields of study as well as in professional knowledge of agriculture, science, engineering, economics, building industry and wood processing. The international experience will enable the pupils to find better employment.

