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iTongue : Our Multilingual Future !
Date de fin: 29 août 2016
“iTongue: Our Multilingual Future” is a new generation of paralinguistic digital tools for foreign language learning.It has put findings of the natural sciences into educational practice targeting most crucial current social needs: parents with migration background, surrounded by some noisy children after a 7-days’-low-wage-job, are not likely to hold grammar books in their hands!This is why iTongue now invites to just “Plug & Speak”: overcoming intercultural barriers by bilingual audio literature, thanks to electronic tools while shopping, driving, cooking, jogging etc. Learn foreign languages like mother tongues, like “my tongue” : i -Tongue ! It is an all-in-one item of the electronic era to increase knowledge of other topics while acquiring foreign language competences. LANGUAGE LEANERS find free downloads in support of educational equality at www.itongue.eu/download/free-lll-samples DECODERS find open access to network tools for transnational co-operation in support of BAL Bilingual Audio Literature, as well as decoding standards and an 18 academic hours curriculum with slide shows at http://itongue.eu/networkTRAINEES find neuroscientific background information, samples, ICT tools and guidance at www.itongue.eu/network/become-a-decoderFURTHER projects are targeting the implementation of professional training for audio language decoding.Artists with analytical minds, electronic technicians with creative passion, linguists ready for a language carnival and teachers turning into adventurers will find suitable projects emerging from iTongue which foster an all-embracing Union standing for tolerance, for equality and for global consciousness.Support of this Union and it’s global mission was the motivation at the origin of iTongue in 2013 and it has become ever so important since!
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