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Introducing interdisciplinarity in music studies in the Western Balkans in line with European perspective
Date du début: 15 oct. 2011,

The project ’Introducing interdisciplinarity in music studies in the Western Balkans in line with European perspective’ is a multicountry project in a field of music education that will consolidate efforts of experts from 6 EU countries – Austria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Netherlands, Slovenia and Sweden – and 3 WB countries – Serbia, Bosnia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99). 18 institutions from HE, enterprises, science, association of universities, governmental, student and professional organizations will be involved in the project.The wider objective of the project will be to contribute the reorganization of musical education in the WB region in line with the current European trends. This will be accomplished by achieving the following specific objectives: 1. Modernization of curricula for the first and second cycle of studies; development and introduction of new modern and flexible interdisciplinary study programmes in all three study cycles; 2. Development and implementation of regional continuing education with certified lifelong learning courses. The project will have two main stages: preparatory and implementation stage. Both will be realized from the platform of interdisciplinary approach. The first stage will consist of 1. redesign of the current and development of the new study programs at all three cycles, 2. methodology upgrading and 3. development of LLL courses. The main feature of second stage will be implementation process – realization of reformed/new study programs and of the LLL courses.Principal outcomes and outputs of the project are: curriculum reform (redesign of BA and MA study programs, design of new BA, MA and PhD programs) in content, structure, teaching methods; implementation of reformed and new study programs at six PC institutions; upgraded methodology (teacher training, new teaching materials/equipment), design and implementation of LLL courses, quality assurance, dissemination and sustainability of the project results.



17 Participants partenaires