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International Fellowship Program on Molecular Ultr.. (IFP-MUST)
International Fellowship Program on Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology
Date du début: 1 mai 2011,
Date de fin: 30 avr. 2015
MUST is an interdisciplinary network of Swiss research groups, all with research efforts in ultrafast science. In Switzerland, ultrafast science has reached a critical mass of individual research efforts, spread out over various universities and research centers. In almost all key technologies and in theoretical modeling, Swiss research groups are among the leaders in the field and represent a very complementary set of experimental and theoretical teams. In the future, our society faces a number of key challenges, such as developing alternative energy sources, synthesizing complex functional drugs, or designing post-Moore's law electronics. Addressing these challenges requires a detailed microscopic understanding of the structural and dynamic behavior of matter. This understanding can only come from sophisticated and advanced visualization techniques, which the members of MUST will help to develop within a highly integrated research network.Here, we propose to establish an International Fellowship Program on Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology (IFP-MUST) integrated in and fed by our national network of research teams. It is our vision that novel technologies, advanced modeling techniques, and the spirit of our thriving network would create an ideal environment for high-level postdoctoral research projects. Our program will provide Europe with a new generation of researchers in ultrafast sciences and therefore considerably improve the research quality of the ERA. It is our goal to attract about 75% of all postdoctoral fellows from all around the world (incoming), while having the option to reintegrate European researchers who have worked oversees into a European research environment (25%).
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