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Interculturalidad y metodologías interdiscipliares en Educación de Adultos.
Date du début: 15 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 14 juil. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Centre of Education for adults “Pedro Martínez Gavito” is located in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, near Madrid (Spain). We teach in seven municipalities of the West Mountain Range of Madrid: San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Robledo de Chavela, El Escorial, Zarzalejo, Fresnedillas de la Oliva, Valdemaqueda and Santa María de la Alameda. The environment has excellent cultural , historic resources , and natural too. Currently we are ten teachers and almost four hundred students.The type of students is diverse, with adults with varying degrees of prior schooling. Half of our students are immigrants, mostly of North African origin. This situation causes a major culture shock in smaller towns, where pupils avoid sharing space and time for common learning, circumstance we are trying to help overcome.Moreover , young adults improve their learning through interdisciplinary use of resources from their own enviroment with wich they are more familiar, but the use of these methods requires a previous learning with wich less experienced teachers are unfamiliar.The overall aim of this project is to start opening our Center to the European countries and teacher training in an environment that contributes to the modernization of methodologies.Priority specific aims include:- Connecting with other European centers of similar characteristics to ours.- Acquiring an European perspective in the development of activities that seeking the integration of immigrants to the group of students- Observing in other countries new interdisciplinary tools and methods that use the environment as a teaching resource and then adapt it to the education of our adult learnersAchieving these aims is to improve our own professional skills. We have planned to do a project for one year, with two training for teachers:- A course on techniques for the treatment of Interculturalism , with new methodologies against racism. Turkey. 25.09.2016 – 02.10.2016- Another Course to foster creativity and interdisciplinary skills through cultural or scenic resources in the environment . Italy. 20.03.2017 – 25.03.2017It is surprising in both cases the relevance of the topic, the methodology and the values that drive their own projects. In each of these journeys, a more experienced teacher will attend with another colleagues less formed on these issues. The selection of participating teachers will be treated with maximum transparency through information on the criteria used.The continuity of the work developed in this project is guaranteed because the coordinating team is composed of the Headmaster and the Coordinator of the Initial Education Section. Along with them, three other teachers will participate in mobility activities. And the entire faculty will participate in weekly group work to generate tailored materials to our center from the adquired experience.Every beginning of the course, the permanent staff of the center is responsible for showing the best accumulated experiences to the new teachers. These activities will form part of our Annual General Programme and assessments will be reflected in the Annual Reports. This guarantees the continuity of the effort and constant improvement.We have designed a plan to disseminate the project starting from the moment of its acceptance and the entire teaching staff will participate in it.As a result of this project, we hope to have the opportunity to contact and/or work with other European centers, as well as personal and professional improvement of teachers, share a broader , more international vision, with new challenges to our center. It will contribute to our students developing skills that will improve their ability to adapt to imposed social changes, breaking cultural barriers and being more opend-minded to new experiences.The internationalization of a center is not achieved in one year, but can come step by step to that shared horizon. We understand that this is the way to keep a young spirit according to a dynamic and modern center, attentive to the needs of an ever changing society.



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