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Intercultural Tools
Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

INTERCULTURAL TOOLBOX was an intercultural training, that has offeed young adults the opportunity to use their skills and ideas for international youth projects in a better way. It addresses peer – youths, who already have experiences with international projects and have some interest to take an active role in designing and running youth exchanges. Also it addressed adults of every age, professionals as well as volunteers, who wants to take an active part in international youth work. The training offered basic methods in theatre- and experiential education, it also helped to get a better understanding of intercultural learning processes and their competencies to support intercultural learning processes have been increased. The seminar design was participatory and well coordinated. A long-term benefits also shows in the fact of new project applications by our partner organizations which were partly carried out.



7 Participants partenaires