Rechercher des projets européens

Intercultural Learning Against Discrimination
Date du début: 1 août 2012,

The Training of Trainers “Intercultural Learning Against Discrimination” will be organized for 30 youth workers from Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Romania, and Poland. The training is aimed to improve training competences of trainers, facilitators and team leaders on intercultural learning and anti-discrimination when working on international and local youth projects for marginalized youth in cooperation with Neighboring Partner Countries.Concretely the objectives of the training course are:- To improve competences of trainers, facilitators and team leaders on intercultural learning and anti-discrimination- To share experiences and expertise from trainer to trainer- To develop new approaches and concrete methods for international youth exchanges- To provide time and space for individual development of the participants as trainers and facilitatorsKey elements of the training will be discrimination and its appearance in contemporary Europe, programme design and development for workshops, seminars and youth encounters, non-formal education and leading of workshops.The training course is based on a non-formal and a trainee centred approach putting the needs and abilities of the participants into the centre of the training. A broad range of educational means will be applied ranging from role plays, workshops, to short interactive exercises and trainee-led sessions.The Georgian youth organisation Youth for the World will host the training course in Batumi (Georgia). Its dates are 22nd until 30th of September 2012.



  •   23 906,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Projet sur ERASMUS platform

9 Participants partenaires