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INTERCOMM - International Communication Skills for Enhanced Mobility and Trade

This dissemination project builds upon methodologies developed in previously funded projects concerning the need for language and communication training in SMEs to maximise their export potential. The INTERCOMM project will create structures and content for knowledge transfer by developing and distributing an information and training tool for small business in the farming and fishing industries in participating partner countries.Produced in hard copy, CD-Rom and DVD formats in four languages (IS, PT, EN & Gaelic) the tool will comprise an introduction to language and culture in the partner countries, export trade information and sign-posting to language training and trade support services. Together with supporting documentation, the tool will be freely available on individual partner websites.Based upon the fact that the previously developed products sold over 1000 copies, demand is expected to be high for the end product. Distribution and dissemination will focus upon the use of business advice centres, business associations and training organisations as intermediaries. Final outcomes will be further disseminated with the collaboration of regional and national agencies, through articles to relevant press, through project seminars in four countries and via a web-based project conference.



2 Participants partenaires