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Interaction of Skuodas and Vainode fire and rescue.. (1FIRETEAM)
Interaction of Skuodas and Vainode fire and rescue services for life and environment safety
Date du début: 28 févr. 2009,
Date de fin: 30 août 2010
The aim of the project is to ensure a safe environment for the residents of the Latvian-Lithuanian border region. These districts are sparsely populated and characterized by a poor transport infrastructure (including areas where there are few, if any, roads), and a number of forested areas, numerous peat bogs, and large fields that currently lie dormant. These latter aspects can be a serious fire risk as fields, forests and peat bogs catch fire on a frequent basis. The effectiveness of fire fighting is low due to poor access to these riskier areas, and compounded by the poor state of the fire departments. An integrated rapid response system to natural disasters was established in the municipalities of Skuodas and Vainode, purchasing new fire trucks and training firemen. The fire stations of Ylakiai and Vainode purchased new fire rescue equipment. In-service training of Ylakiai and Vainode fire brigades was organized and the Mutual assistance agreements are signed between the municipalities of Skuodas and Vainode to respond effectively when natural disasters strike. In the long term, this will ensure high-quality public services for the residents of the region, enable a faster response to danger, and help lay a foundation for the protection of residents’ property and the environment. Achievements: • A fire cars for Ylakiai fire brigade and for Vainode fire brigade have bee bought and equipped.• Trainings of fire brigades have been held.
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Raiņa iela 23A, Vaiņode, Vaiņode parish, LV-3435, Latvia
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