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Integrowanie programu nauczania z treściami biblijnymi, indywidualizacja pracy z uczniem i wysoka jakość dydaktyki - trzy główne obszary wymagające poprawy/rozwoju w Chrześcijańskiej Szkole Podstawowej im. Króla Dawida w Poznaniu
Integrowanie programu nauczania z treściami biblij..
Integrowanie programu nauczania z treściami biblijnymi, indywidualizacja pracy z uczniem i wysoka jakość dydaktyki - trzy główne obszary wymagające poprawy/rozwoju w Chrześcijańskiej Szkole Podstawowej im. Króla Dawida w Poznaniu
Date du début: 1 oct. 2016,
Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018
The project "Integrating the curriculum with biblical content, the individualization of work with the pupil and the high quality of teaching - three main areas for improvement / development in King David’s Christian Primary School in Poznan" reflects the needs of our school as defined under the European School Development Plan. Its main objectives are:1) to increase the level of quality in integrating the core curriculum with biblical content and to develop and implement additional solutions in this area;2) to develop sets of curriculum in all subjects or lesson plans, that will include guidelines for each lesson how to integrate the elements listed above;3) daily use of this proprietary and innovative tool by all the school staff;4) to increase teachers’ knowledge and skills in the field of educational tutoring and coaching as methods of individual work with students in order to implement these into work with students at all levels of learning5) the preparation of "A Guide for Tutors" and "A Guide for Coaches" by participants of the courses listed in point 4.6) to implement the program of tutoring and coaching for each student in primary school;7) to improve the quality of teaching in the field of early primary education, English language teaching and the teaching of natural science by learning and implementing new tools and teaching methods by the participants of methodological courses in order to achieve high-quality education;8) to implement best practices observed during job shadowing with a partner organization and to lay and achieve the participants’ professional objectives resulting from the participation in this form of professional training;9) to deepen the level of English skills by the project participants to at least B1+ during professional training involving the participation in an intensive, 19-month English language course.The participants of the project will be 13 teachers from our school (three early primary education teachers, a teacher of Polish + History, a Maths teacher, a Natural Science teacher, an English language teacher, a P.E. teacher, a special needs education teacher, an assistant teacher to an autistic student, a school common room teacher-supervisor) who will meet all the recruitment criteria described in detail in the application.The main project activity is participation in training in the fields of: integrating the primary school core curriculum with biblical content; tutoring and coaching; glottodidactics as a method of reading and writing teaching in early primary school education, as well as in the courses: "A Chest of Ideas. Various methods of teaching children in primary school", "Activating working methods in natural sciences lessons" and "Creative methodology in English classes."In terms of project management, Project Cycle Management methodology will be used primarily, as well as methods inspired by good practices from other methodologies (PMI, PRINCE 2 and TQM).To the results of the project is included the achievement of all the objectives described above, as well as the publishing of e-books presenting three methodical studies in open educational resources, including the Erasmus+ Platform for Dissemination: "A Collection of Ideas for Every Lesson. Materials covering a full range of subjects and core curriculum for all levels of education in King David’s Christian Primary School in Poznan", "A Guide for Tutors in King David’s Christian Primary School in Poznan" and "A Guide for coaches in King David’s Christian Primary School in Poznan".
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