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Integrating Online Judge into effective e-learning
Integrating Online Judge into effective e-learning
EduJudge is an innovative system based on ICT that can be incorporated into thelearning processes in the mathematical and programming field and is addressed toHigher Education students and secondary education students. The main goal of theproject is to give a greater pedagogic character to the UVA Online Judge (onlinejudge.uva.es), which is an online programming training that is currently running, andadapt it to an effective educational environment for higher and secondary education. Forthis reason, we propose the integration of the Online Judge into the open sourceeLearning platform Moodle and the QUEST system. QUEST is also a system that iscurrently running to develop contests supported by telematics within the classroom(Verdú, E. et al., 2006, ”QUEST: A Contest-Based Approach to Technology-EnhancedActive Learning in Higher Education”. In Proceedings of 6th WSEAS InternationalConference on Distance Learning and Web Engineering (DIWEB '06), pp. 10-15.Wisconsin: WSEAS). It is implemented as a module which can be integrated intoMoodle. The integration of Online Judge into Moodle/QUEST seems to be the solutionfor some of the required pedagogical functionalities for the current system. This projectcomes up on the one hand, from the necessity of improving mathematical, science andtechnological competences at European level as is shown by the Education andTraining European Policy and, on the other hand, from the success of programmingcontests at European and international level in secondary and higher education and thegreat number of users of UVA Online Judge. These users are demanding animprovement of the Online Judge functionalities so we propose to incorporate it into anefficient learning environment. By means of this system students can developtechnological and mathematical abilities, and also motivation, creativity and abilities fortime and knowledge management which are very important skills for subsequentlearning processes and future jobs. Finally, it must be highlighted that Edujudge workswith a distributed system for automatic evaluation so that the application field of OnlineJudge can be extended to other fields like language learning, for example.
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