Rechercher des projets européens

Integracja i dobre relacje uczniów priorytetem naszej szkoły
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Project "Integration and good relations among students our priority" will involve all school staff - teachers, teacher assistants, educators and students from our school. However, most of the activities will focus on working with students with special educational needs.The aim of the project is to improve and introduce innovative ways of working with students with specific educational problems in the sphere of education and upbringing, thereby giving them equal opportunities for further development and overcoming their inadequacy.The teacher acting as a coordinator will participate in two international training courses, ie. "All Children Are Special" and "Conflict Management, Peer Mediation and Emotional Literacy in the Classroom", during which she will acquire necessary knowledge and skills. She will learn how schools in other European countries work with children with special educational needs . Then acquired skills and knowledge will be transmitted to other staff members during training sessions and meetings and they will be implemented in everyday school practice. Teachers will share their experiences during peer lessons and via the self-help network, they will also use guidance sets in daily teaching.As a result, teachers will be more aware of the needs of the students with special educational needs, they will support their development more effectively, they will use a variety of tools to satisfy students' individual needs, they will also better understand the relationships among pupils in the class and their impact on individuals. Teachers will be more aware of the emotional needs of their pupils. Their motivation to work will increase.Students with disabilities will learn in a more friendly environment, surrounded by professional care and assistance, which will support their development and will help them overcome difficulties. They will achieve educational success, they will improve their relationships with their peers. Also parents will be involved in the implementation of innovative methods of working with students.The project will have a positive impact on innovative activities in our school as well as on a greater ability to cooperate at the international level. Steps will be taken to continue international cooperation within the eTwinning programme. Students and teachers will broaden their knowledge of European countries.Verified actions will be permanently included in a long-term school work plan.Positive results of the project will affect the local environment. Local schools will be more interested in opportunities of upgrading staff skills and improving the quality of schools through the use of funding under the Erasmus+ programme.

