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Innovative Learning Environments in Enterprises for The Development of Competencies, Skills and Knowledge
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Cooperation within international projects is important because it has positive impact on students in areas of intercultural competences, knowledge and skills, international teamwork, foreign languages, getting the knowledge about foreign labour market and networking with different organizations internationally. Within this project, we will organize the mobility of VET learners and staff. We want to enable the best learning conditions for students, their integration into the labour market and prepare them for further education. Therefore, our focus is on monitoring developments in the field of expertise and innovation technologies in order to include all of that into a learning process. At the same time, we will support the professional development of VET staff and improve their general and professional competences, knowledge and skills. Through study visits the staff will get professional expertise of new didactics and methodological approaches in learning and teaching. The needs of labour market will be presented to our staff on the job training and during job shadowing. With this project, our school aims at specific targets and objectives in the field of education and training. It aspires to improve the level of general and professional competences, knowledge and skills of all participants, to promote quality, innovation, internationalization of the institutions and enterprises involved- to promote the European aim of life-long-learning- to support teachers and students in their learning and teaching. Better use of the EU tools of transparency and recognition will be gained. The priority of the school is to reduce the dropout rates of our students by 20%. Hence the aiming for better preparation, support of student and staff during mobility and assessment of learning results afterwards, which will improve motivation of our students for learning. On-the-job-training itself in authentic environments of enterprises will improve and support students in their practical learning. Through mobility, we will upgrade verification and recognition of learning outcomes in the way of the European and Slovenian quality frameworks (EQF, SOK). By assessing learning outcomes and achievements, students will gain certificates and documents, which will be attached to their school certificates (Europass Mobility). We will disseminate the results of the project in the following ways: preparation of articles for media (newspapers, corporate media), participation in fairs, presentations in other partner schools or other organizations (Public Fund for Human Resources Development and Scholarship, Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes Cmepius, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for the Vocational Education and Training, CPI), posting information on social media, further cooperation with partners in order to prepare further projects, organization of events, roundtables, organizing study groups of teachers and mentors in companies. Methods of evaluation will be: survey questionnaires for participants, personal and group interviews with participants in mobility programs, interviews with representatives of partner organizations, analysis of mobility reports, implementation of project results context dissemination, strengthening of competencies assessment, analysing on the job training results and analysing mobility tasks and results, analysing how will the staff use the acquired knowledge in their work, for each of the participants we will identify the key tasks that they will have to implement during mobility.


10 Participants partenaires