Rechercher des projets européens

Innováció és együttműködés
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The context/background of the project is provided by the needs of the management and staff of Közgazdasági Politechnikum (a secondary grammar school maintained by a foundation) which seeks continuous innovation and modernization in its work. The objective of our project is the competency development of the institution by studying, adapting and dissemination the European experiences and good practices in education. The number and profile of participants: among the 31 mobilities there are 5 planned for the school management and 26 for the staff. All the participants have been working for at least in our school, they are able to communicate in a foreign language and are continuously seeking to enlarge their pedagogical-professional competencies by attending internal and external trainings. The description of activities Preparation – selection and (linguistic, intercultural) preparation of teachers for mobilities, finding partner schools and training institutes, organizing mobilities A/ Training activities 1. developing language competencies - English language courses in the United Kingdom – 9 participants – July/August 2014, July/August 2015 2. new teaching methods for foreign language teachers in the United Kingdom and Italy – 3 participants - July/August 2014 3. Diversity in European classrooms - a practical approach with exercises and teaching units on the topic of migration and diversity in Turkey – 4 participants - May 2015 4. proposal writing and project management course in Brussels, Belgium – 1 participant - November 2014 Job-shadowing and teaching actitivites 1. adapting good practice of school management in non-state funded secondary schools in Germany – 2 participants - in May 2015 and the United Kingdom – 2 participants - in November 2015 2. adapting good practice for the inclusion of students with special needs in a Dutch school having experiences in teaching autistic students – 3 participants – May 2015 3. Inquiry Based Learning in Science and Maths – job shadowing in an Irish school taking part in the SAILS project of the Dublin University – 4 participants – November 2014 4. Teaching English and German as a foreign language in a Turkish secondary school – 2 participants – November 2015 5. Job shadowing in a Swedish secondary shool in the field of teaching German as a second foreign language – 1 participant – October 2014 Follow-up – supporting the integration of the acquired new competencies into practice, evaluation of mobilities and the project as a whole, dissemination A short description of the results The most important result of the project is that the skills, attitudes and good practices known at the training, job shadowing and teaching activities will provide opportunities to the school management and staff to renew and develop their competencies which can be disseminated to other participants of school education in Hungary and Europe. Practical results: websites, reports, studies, curricula and other materials. The impact envisaged The project will have several important impacts: the organizational culture of the school will improve, the commitment, the intercultural and professional competencies of the staff will develop, new methods will be introduced and during the dissemination of the results the school wil become part of an international European network, so the sustainability after the project period will be ensured by sharing the know how with a larger audience. The potential longer term benefits are the following Due to the renewal of the organizational, pedagogical and professional culture of our school it will attract more families (parents and children) to demand its services so the enrollment ratio will increase.

