Rechercher des projets européens

Inklusion og fastholdelse af kursister med anden etnisk baggrund
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

HF & VUC FYN is experiencing an increasing number of students with ethnic minority backgrounds who seek education. These students often show social vulnerability and part of them also have psychological difficulties and learning disabilities. On the surface their difficulties and disabilities are the same as those of all other students, but for many of them things are complicated by linguistic barriers and by the fact that they are carriers of a cultural heritage which is different from that of other students, for example they may have a different (or lacking) understanding of the concept of education, gender roles, authorities and identity.The objective of this mobility project is to obtain inclusion and retention of students with ethnic minority backgrounds. By doing so we foster the students’ further learning- and development process. We will ensure this by developing and challenging the intercultural understanding of our employees so that they gain new pedagogical, didactic and counselling competences and tools. By carrying out the mobility project in a European context, the employees will be inspired to new approaches and at the same time new networks will be established and existing networks expanded. These networks will provide further sparring and development of competences.We apply for 34 employees to participate in the project. We do this in order to secure as wide a knowledge as possible for the whole of HF & VUC FYN. Everyone will return with new input, which has to be tested and implemented and by having 34 employees participate, we expect to have a big and stable group which can anchor the new knowledge in the organization and which can develop the obtained knowledge further.HF & VUC FYN offers a wide range of courses and the participants involved in the mobility project also have a wide range of backgrounds and competences. We have students with ethnic minority backgrounds in all of our courses – FVU, OBU, avu, hf and introductory/preparatory courses etc. and therefore we also need to develop our competences in all areas and all levels.Those employees who show a special interest in developing their competences within the field of students with ethnic minority background and who see perspectives in European cooperation will be offered to participate in the mobility project. We will ensure that employees from all courses and levels will be represented because we want to disseminate knowledge of methods and tools for inclusion and retention of students with ethnic minority background to the entire organization. It is also important that the employees who participate agree to share their knowledge with all of the organization - that is in their own local departments as well as in all other departments of HF & VUC FYN.In this mobility project we wish to send our employees on a combination of structured courses and training events. The courses will be international courses where we have the opportunity to expand our European network further. The training events will be visits to schools which also work with inclusion and retention of students with ethnic minority backgrounds and where we will meet teachers, administration and management to exchange experiences and methods. The training events can also be supervision of interaction with students. The training events can also be visits to relevant local players which can contribute with interesting perspectives.The mobility project will contribute to increased intercultural understanding and new pedagogical, didactic and counselling tools and competences. By working in a European context we achieve a better outcome because our employees - besides acquiring new competences - also will be challenged on their personal competences by having to act in a new culture and by having to enter into and maintain network relations with European partners.The expected outcome for the participants is new knowledge, inspiration and renewed motivation in their work with the students and especially inclusion and retention of students with ethnic minority background.As an organization we are measured by our ability to retain students and on the students’ ability to finish their education - these are our finest tasks but also our most challenging ones. We believe that the activities in the project will contribute to better results and statistics. We also expect that we become better equipped to fulfill the vision of building bridge to a future of more education, better jobs and a higher quality of life for our students. Better inclusion and increased retention of students with ethnic minority background can lead to better integration into society; it can lead to less unemployment and the students feel they belong in Denmark.

