Rechercher des projets européens

Info to youth
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project 'Info to youth' will take place in Prilep, Macedonia and is designed to help the volunteers’ personal development while they’re providing us and the local community their volunteer help.This project will be a follow-up project of 'Info to Society' project, which is so far really successful and well accepted in our local community. It will cover the themes of Youth participation, European awareness and Creativity and culture.The concept of this project came from the current situation of the high percentage of youth unemployment on general European level, unmotivated youngsters who are not taking any part in their society and also, the importance of cultural exchange.The main objectives are:- to maintain European dimension to the Info front's regular activities;- to raise European awareness and promote cultural diversity;- to encourage local youth participation;- to empower local youngsters to think and to promote themselves entrepreneurially and to enroll them in the creative process from an idea to business;-to empower local youth to develop new skills in order to become more competent on the labour market, thus to lower the unemployment;-to promote creative activism and active citizenship;-to explore the new online media for information distribution and sharing and self-promotion;-to inform about Erasmus+;-to develop new skills and competencies and to gain new experiences and knowledge.The project activities will last for 3 months and will include 3 volunteers coming from Italy, Bulgaria and Spain, aged 17 - 30, highly motivated, positive and open-minded.The role of the 3 volunteers would be helping the organisation and the staff in the regular everyday activities, like:- office work: e-mails, updating the website / blog / social networks;- facilitating language courses;- working on the MYG magazine;- developing new projects;- facilitating “European awareness & cultural diversity” discussions with local youngsters;- promoting Erasmus+ and EVS in schools and universities;- Loesje creative writing workshops- meetings with potential volunteers- facilitation in the Info front's Career Centre etc.During the project, the methods of non- formal education, open space workshops, discussions, World café and Loesje methods will be applied and the volunteers will have a possibility to learn and to use them.The volunteers will be encouraged to spread the word about Loesje and the Loesje- created methods in their own community and organisations, to contact their national branch and to take active part in writing new posters in their own languages and to organise creative writing workshops.By taking active participation in their Sending organisations, they'll have chance to share their earned experiences, knowledge, methods and tools in the regular activities.The volunteers and the local youngsters will learn the importance of the productive brainstorming, innovative approach, new working methods and also organisational, technical and computer skills. They will also improve their communication and social skills, will become more aware of their responsibilities as European citizens, will be motivated to take local initiatives and actions to improve the situation in their local communities.The results of the project will be officially published in all of the promoters' web pages, blogs and social networks, local media, so they can be easily accessible after the project.



3 Participants partenaires