Rechercher des projets européens

Induction and Guidance of Newly Appointed Teachers in European Schools

The continuous professional development of teaching staff, especially of noviceteachers as part of in-service training, is a concern for all European countries. In anumber of European countries where it is difficult to recruit and to retain qualifiedteachers it is urgent to address the gap between initial teacher training and theworkplace.The overall aim of this project is to improve the continuous professional development ofteaching staff, with a special focus on novice teachers. To this purpose "N tandems oftraining institutes and schools" will cooperate in the development of effective and flexiblemodels of guidance and of an in-service training course for those involved in inductionand guidance.Target groups are (novice) teachers and those involved in their guidance and induction.The following main activities are envisaged:1. Development and try-out of a model of guidance and induction for every pair ofinstitutions involved in the project.2. Development and piloting of an in-service training course adapted to the needsof N different European educational and teacher training systems.A contribution to the improvement of induction and guidance of (novice) teachers inEuropean schools can be expected.