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Indoor and outdoor Air quality and Respiratory Hea.. (RESPIRA)
Indoor and outdoor Air quality and Respiratory Health in Malta and Sicily
Date du début: 30 avr. 2011,
Date de fin: 31 mars 2013
Both indoor and outdoor air pollution have significant impact and risk for human health. Fossil fuel burning by powerstations, chemical industry and motor vehicle emission represent major outdoor air polluting sources which may result in health effects. This project will assess a sample of the Maltese, and Gela communities for known respiratory diseases, using standardized scientific questionnaires, and making measurements of the status of the respiratory system and of the level and type of allergies of these populations. Specific measurements of indoor air pollution will be made while routine data for outdoor air pollution will be obtained. The project will attempt to identify the conditions determining the relationship between exposure to pollutants and health effects, by the analysis of main risk factors. The recruitment of specialised research assistants and technicians under the supervision of scientists is necessary. As regards to the measurement of indoor pollution, the use of specific equipment will be needed and the relevant technical expertise developed. It is planned to produce guidelines aimed at the prevention of health effects in subjects living in environments at risk for the presence of indoor pollutants. Such data will be of great importance in planning and regulating sources of both indoor and outdoor air pollution, and taking the necessary measures to reduce the impact on human health.L'inquinamento dell'aria negli ambienti sia indoor sia outdoor possiede un impatto significativo sulla salute dell'uomo e costituisce un importante fattore di rischio. La combustione di combustibili fossili in centrali termiche, le industrie chimiche e le emissione dei veicoli con motori a combustione interna rappresentano le maggiori sorgenti di inquinamento dell'aria outdoor e possono determinare effetti sulla salute. Il presente progetto valuterà un campione della popolazione di Malta e Gela per patologie respiratorie, utilizzando questionari scientifici standardizzati, e eseguendo misurazioni delle condizioni dell'apparato respiratorio e del livello e del tipo di allergie di queste popolazioni. Saranno eseguite misurazioni specifiche di inquinamento indoor mentre dati di routine sull'inquinamento outdoor verranno acquisiti. Il progetto tenterà di identificare le condizioni che possono determinare le relazioni fra l'esposizione agli inquinanti e la salute, per mezzo dell'analisi dei principali fattori di rischio. Sarà necessario il reclutamento di assistenti di ricerca e tecnici specializzati sotto la supervisione del personale ricercatore. Per quanto riguarda le misure dell'inquinamento indoor, saranno necessari l'utilizzo di strumentazione specifica e lo sviluppo delle relative experties tecniche. E' prevista la definizione di linee guida per la prevenzione degli effetti sulla salute in soggetti che vivono in ambienti a rischio per la presenza di inquinanti Achievements: Both indoor and outdoor air pollution has a signifi cant impact on human health and constitutes an important factor of risk. The project assessed respiratory pathologies in a sample of school children in Malta and the Gela Health District using standardized scientifi c questionnaires and measuring the condition of the respiratory apparatus for levels and type of allergy in a smaller sample of the school population. The project studied in depth the conditions that might influence the relationship between health and exposition to pollutants through the analysis of the main factors of environmental risk. Furthermore, guidelines have been put in place for the prevention of ill health in persons who live in high risk areas because of pollutants. The results have been the assessment of the prevalence of asthma and other allergic respiratory problems in the areas under study and the assessment of the relationship between polluting agents and respiratory pathologies • 1326 Sicilian schoolchildren examinatedi • 1075 Maltese schoolchildren evaluated through the questionnaire • 300 children underwent a complete clinical exam • 17 schools and 108 homes involved in the indoor and outdoor monitoring action • 1 extended survey on the pervasiveness of asthma and other pathologic respiratory allergies
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