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Increasing teaching skills by Job shadowing
Date du début: 1 oct. 2014,
Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015
As a teacher in general, the need for continuous training is essential to ensure students that they have the training , the level of training as good, not only to meet their needs , and the needs of society in which it develops . The job-shadowing activity will also help to create new teaching materials to give students a new vision of European identity, to explore new ways of sharing their teaching methods and student-centered school colleagues and the local community as well; Improving curriculum optional high school curriculum and local development.
Impact of this project will be:
Job shadowing activity chosen will help to broaden cultural horizons , giving them the opportunity to experience a mixture of ethno -cultural , able to deal in a new way the idea of the professional evaluation , providing organizational models of teaching and management effective, the utility will weave with pleasure , will give participants new ideas teachers about the possibility of writing an application for a proposed strategic partnership KA 2 to coordinate , will be presented innovative tools for monitoring and evaluation . Participating in dissemination activities / assessment project will create / strengthen skills to generate creative, restructuring of teaching and learning , the development of new professional skills .
The job-shadowing course also addresses program features KA 1 - "Learning Mobility of Individuals " for " School education staff mobility" , namely:
- to ensure the professional development of teachers, school leaders and other staff ;
The specific objectives to which the project addresses are :
- The use of modern teaching techniques ;
- Develop skills / teaching strategies through the use of interactive teaching / learning student-centered teaching methodology;
- accumulation of new experience with new ways of working with students , new strategies to approach the teacher-student relationship in the contemporary school ;
Results will be that eight teachers beneficiaries will have developed professional skills and personal in their discipline ,educational management, will increase the european value of the educational process in organization trimitere.
Job shadowing activity will take place over two weeks in the High School of Penacova Escolas Portuguese Agrupamento ;the period will be 3 to 17 May 2015 , will have eight teachers:could be :general education subjects ,management staff of the institution ,staff committee international partnerships from COLEGIUL ECONOMIC HERMES Petrosani;
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