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Include! Involve! Improve!
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Strategic partnership project KA2 “Include! Involve! Improve!” is a partnership between 10 organizations from Estonia, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Romania, Poland, UK, Slovakia and Turkey and will last from 1st September 2016 to 31st August 2018. Project will have 4 transnational project meetings which will involve 44 participants from 10 partner countries, 3 short-term joint staff training events, which will train total of 78 youth workers from 10 countries and 2 long-term mobilities of youth workers, where 10 youth workers from Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy and Estonia will practice youth work in Estonia, Spain and Portugal. Additionally we will carry out local activities every month in Estonia and in partner countries. The general aim of our project is to raise the quality of international youth project via exchange of good practices between the network of strategic partners. Concrete objectives are:- To raise the quality of Erasmus + projects in the field of youth inside and outside partner network- To ensure quality preparation and support for Estonian young people and youth workers before they attend international event- To train youth leaders to raise their competence as group leaders in international youth projects- To spread the information about Erasmus + projects to a wider audience with focus on involving more young people with fewer opportunities in international projects through engaging local youth workers- Exchange good practices in local and international youth work between partners to raise the quality of youth exchanges- To build up a solid network of partners to organize youth projects which are inclusive, support participation of young people with fewer opportunities and take into account human rights and democratic valuesAll our methods we plan to use are based on non-formal learning. Trainings and transnational meetings are based on the same idea, and we do include moderators and trainers who are familiar with non-formal learning methods and can also provide some input. We will use methods such as discussions, analyses, role-plays, group building exercises, creative tools, study visits, activities with local communities etc. We want that our activities are an example of non-formal learning in international context, and besides providing space to share and learn from each other and gain new competences, we want to make our activities/mobilities as a good example, from which to learn also.Some of the expected results include: - 44 participants have taken part of joint staff meetings over 2 years and contributed to the exchange of good practices between partner organizations- We have trained 78 youth workers via 3 short-term trainings for staff and they have gained specific competences to raise the quality of youth work in all participating countries- We have engaged directly 10 000 young people/youth workers in various local activities. At least 3000 participants have be involved in Estonia and rest in partner countries. At least 50 % of target group reached has been with fewer opportunities (5000 people). - 10 youth workers from Estonia, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece have taken part of the long-term mobility of youth workers and learned and shared good practices. - We will have created at least 3 manuals directed to youth workers and organizations, young people and group leaders in youth exchanges.



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9 Participants partenaires