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Incentivar el multilingüismo a través de estrategias motivadoras, comunicativas y centradas en el alumno a fin de normalizar el uso de las lenguas extranjeras de manera interdisciplinar.
Incentivar el multilingüismo a través de estrategi..
Incentivar el multilingüismo a través de estrategias motivadoras, comunicativas y centradas en el alumno a fin de normalizar el uso de las lenguas extranjeras de manera interdisciplinar.
Date du début: 1 juin 2016,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2017
Lauaizeta BHI is a public secondary school teaching D language model. That is to say, all subjects are taught in Basque language. They also learn Spanish, English and French as an optional subject. This means that students study languages for 10 to 14 hours every week. The level of foreign language is slightly lower than that of the official languages and some students seem to be quite reluctant to using a foreign language as a means of communication. Several activities have been introduced in the latest school years with the aim of standarizing its use, namely cooperative learning, eTwinning (How art and culture connects young people) and a letter and physical exchange with France. Teachers need to be formed and to see other experiences and communicative methods that help them motivate students. The school supports the idea that the assisstance of the two teachers responsible for these projects to the course"Teaching Ennglish - Motivating learners and preparing for CLIL" can be really helpful. With the aim of standarizing the use of the foreign language, the school is undertaking the use of the foreign language for some activities in other subjects. In this course, teachers will learn how to do so, as well as offering them a great opportunity to improve their linguistic competence.
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