Rechercher des projets européens

Improving Language Teaching and Internationality at Loreto Grammar School
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project will focus on general linguistic improvement through updating and enhancing teachers' knowledge of Spanish and French, acknowledging the fact that Spanish and French are changing languages. The effect of this will be to modernise the teaching of Spanish and French in the school and provide more motivating teaching for pupils, thereby improving attainment and up-take of the subject post-16. The partner links will also contribute to internationality at Loreto. Project outcomes can be measured through tools such as 'Europass', and long-term, project outcomes can be measured based on improved exam results, increased uptake and student voice surveys.We need to enhance the European dimension in school and to increase European awareness. We wish to develop new methodologies and a better resourced, more authentic learning environment, and increase contact with native speakers. We also want to increase our use of target language in the classroom and ensure that we are able to meet the demands of the new Key Stage 3 curriculum, which requires an increase in natural communication in the classroom. We need to make better use of ICT and to look for new and innovative teaching methods, strengthen Loreto’s links with schools abroad, increase cross-curricular links and the European dimension throughout school.We want to boost pupils’ international employment prospects and teach our pupils key European values of tolerance and cross-border friendship. We also want to find new ways to link languages to literacy teaching in order to improve attainment in both. We intend to send 20 members of staff on structured training courses in France and Spain over a two year period. Having the chance to be immersed in language and culture whilst in the country will mean that participants are able to assimilate current language trends, new vocabulary and expressions that will help them to modernise their teaching and capture the interest of our pupils. They will also have the chance to become more aware of current Spanish and French culture which they can then integrate into their teaching. They will be able to gather authentic, current resources whilst in Spain and France which will help to enhance our teaching environment and lead to better motivation of our pupils.Having the opportunity to spend time in French and Spanish schools will mean that staff are able to further develop their linguistic and cultural awareness and they will also have the chance to observe teaching practice in a different system. We will develop a link with Spanish and French schools which will then be used to establish joint working. We will observe practice in the Spanish and French schools and will also take the opportunity to engage in discussions with other professionals on our courses. The improvements that we will make in our teaching of languages will mean that children have a better experience of language learning and are more able to see the relevance and importance of learning a language to their lives. This will lead to an increase in uptake of languages and better future career prospects for our pupils.The skills developed through this project will enhance our staff’s professional profile and future career prospects. They will also have furthered their passion for lifelong learning. They will have developed new friendships with colleagues in Spain and France and will have increased enthusiasm and motivation for their jobs.The project will also bring an increase in the European dimension at Loreto, and links with local schools will be strengthened through the dissemination of results. Staff will be more engaged, and Loreto will see an increased use of ICT in language teaching, more cultural events and the encouragement of cross curricular links. The project will have a positive impact on other curriculum areas, such as literacy. There will be an impact on other schools within our area as we intend to develop a programme of dissemination which we will use to pass on the skills and knowledge we gain through this project to other schools within our area. We will offer training and will share resources and teaching materials we develop as a result of the project to support them to improve their teaching of languages and increase internationalism in their schools. There will be an impact on parents and the local community as we intend, as a result of the project, to develop a programme of international events involving parents and the local community which build on the links with the French or Spanish schools.

