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ImpAct - Creating synergies between NGOs and the academic sector to mesure and value the impact of international voluntary service
Date du début: 31 déc. 2012,

Building on the outcomes of the 10th Asia-Europe Young Volunteers Exchange (implemented in August-September 2010 in close partnership with the Asia-Europe Foundation), of the "Connecting Civil Societiesof Asia and Europe: Changing Challenges, New Ideas" Conference (an official side-event of the ASEM8Summit in Brussels, Belgium, October 2010 co-organised with the Asia-Europe Foundation and the ASEMLLL Hub) and of the White Paper on International Voluntary Service (developed as the final outcome ofthe project "Volunteering 2011: Global Strategies for Global Challenges" Action 3.2 in 2011), andcapitalising on the interests and needs of Asian university networks united under the AsiaEngageplatform, CCIVS proposes the current project focusing on the need of measuring the impact ofinternational voluntary service and of creating spaces for recognition of its achievements: "ImpAct:Creating synergies between NGOs and the Academic sector to measure and value the impact ofinternational voluntary service". ^e^-łiereanerTeferred-tcras^ImpAcf, aims to enhance the capacity of international youth voluntary service organisations to valorise the results of community-based projects while developing sustainable partnerships with actors from the formal education sector.In order to achieve this, a symbiosis among youth service-oriented formal and non-formal education organisations is foreseen. The lead of the project will be entrusted to a group of eight (8) young people (Task Force Team) composed of youth workers - representing youth organisations involved in international youth voluntary service - and young researchers - representing higher-education institutions across Asia and Europe. A logical flow of interconnected activities has been foreseen in order to achieve the projects' ideals:- the Task Force Team will meet in the beginning of the project in Paris, France, in order to get to know each other, to decide on a common throughout the project and to plan the details of the project;- an initial Training Course focusing on the impact and research of international voluntary service will take place in France and will involve the twenty (20) participants of the project - ten (10) from Europe and ten (10) from Asia;- the training will be followed in the summer of 2013 by a Field Research on international voluntary service projects taking place in local communities across Europe and Asia;- a set of two (2) Regionai Seminars - one (1) in each region (France and Malaysia) - will follow the field phase;- representatives of the Task Force Team will closely follow all the activities and will meet for an evaluation of the field phase after the end of the two (2) regional seminars;- the Final Conference (taking place in China) will be attended by the Task Force Team members and the twenty (20) participants of the project, together with ten (10) to fifteen (15) other young people and academics that are involved in voluntary or community service, and will draw the final conclusions of the project;- a Final Evaluation meeting will take place at the end of the Final Conference and will include the Task Force Team members as well as representatives of the organisers.



  •   76 730,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Projet sur ERASMUS platform

16 Participants partenaires