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Immagini e note per la Biodiversità
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 31 août 2016
The project is the result of a professional need of innovation and collaboration with other European partners.
Divided into two school years,2014/2015 and 2015/2016 for a total duration of 24 months,the project aims to the following objectives:
- to bring pupils, through a conscient observation of the different natualistic realities of each environment, to the environmental values of the communities they belong to and in which they exercice their values as citizens.
- to developa sense of commun responsability for the well-being and grouth of local and European community.
- to give instruments for an intensif emotional contact with natural landscape, which will help the students to be able of recognize and live their inner emotions.
- to drive the teaching-learning and raising standards.
- to connect more closely education to training.
- to introduce the teaching of new languages.
- to have the awareness and the respect of biodiversity through the realisation of artistic works such us a documentary and
a concert.
The schools involved are two, each one with an indispensable particularity for successful outcomes: The Secondary Compulsory school "Dante Alighieri" with musical vocational guidance claims the presence of teachers of music with a long experience in the didattic of ensemble music. The high school " Empordà" claims the presence of a very good staff of teachers thathave an educational program of innovation based on audiovisual subjects.
Activities will be organised with an alternace of staff meetings and learning-teaching-training students activities ; mobilities, five in all, will foresee some moments of study and some moments of teaching-learning both for teachers and students.
Metodology used to carry on the project provides not only an inductive-deductive approch but also group works, collaboration with peers, integrated development of the basic enables and cooperative learning.
The results envisaged are tangible and intagible. The first are : the documentary, the concert and the curriculum; the latter are
the implimentation of the capabilities of observation and of listening; the acquisition of some knowledge on the environment and on the ecosystems analysed, the development of sensibility and of artistic talents, the consciuous use of technological instruments.
The purpuse is that one of reorganizating the way of teaching, of extending training activities and improving tdidactic methods and the image of the two schools.
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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