Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

BACKGROUNDColonial Secondary High-school is settled in a rural area and it gathers students from 9 small villages nearby. Most of our teenagers have a medium-low economical level. Our High-school is immersed in ICT projects on Moodle and we are enrolled in a variety of multidisciplinary projects such as Teambuilding and Behaviour in a School Setting, a Secondary Linguistic Plan to improve the Spanish Language in all linguistic and non-linguistic areas, a Bilingual Project, a Plan to foster Communicative Action, a Plan to spread Classic School Literature, a Plan on Kyoto Education, etc.PROJECT OBJECTIVES • Fostering the individual development in order to prevent dropout.• Promoting ICT in every field of knowledge so that it may be easier to share knowledge, folders, resources etc, with other professional teachers and other countries.• Making better use of tablets and useful apps to create new appealing activities and resources.• Practicing linguistic skills, especially English.• Encouraging teachers to cooperate in the EU.• Boosting the connection with other cultures.• Favouring partnership with other European High-schools.• Acquiring knowledge and strategies on other European school systems, testing, assessment, evaluation aimed to overcome dropout• Applying a methodology based on an Integrated Multidisciplinary Cross-curricular Teaching Plan within our Linguistic Project. • Implementing the Bilingual Project.• Improving our speaking and writing English skills.NUMBER AND PARTICIPANT PROFILESThe team groups five Secondary teachers of English and French, Maths, Physics and Chemistry, Spanish Language, Literature, Biology and Natural Science as domain expertise. All of us have studied English B1, some of them B2, and the English Teacher has as well qualification on French B1. All of us have some training on ICT and Smart-boards. Some have already carried out CLIL courses to enhance their coming bilingual teachingACTIVITIY DESCRIPTION • Integrated multidisciplinary cross-curricular activities based on CLIL methodology are meant to be designed either within linguistic and non-linguistic areas. • Developing the students’ Cultural, Artistic and Communicative Skills thanks to new appealing activities, which favour speaking, and writing improvement.• Making a multidisciplinary project among the Spanish Language and Literature Department, the History and Geography Department and the Classical Language and Culture Department.METHODOLOGY TO ACCOMPLISH THE PROJECT We mean to apply CLIL methodology to Maths, Languages, Literature, Natural Science, Biology and Physics and Chemistry. We aim to expand this multidisciplinary project to our highest level of teaching; measures to enhance reading, writing, listening linguistic skills are being implemented at present at Secondary level.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACHIEVEMENTSOur main achievements will be:• Our students’ personal growth and devolvement resulting in a dropout decrease.• To settle in ICT in all fields of study.• To turn on writing, reading and speaking skills in all fields of study.• Setting up communication with other European Schools.• To open our School to other cultures.• Updating our strategies and methods learning from other European approaches.• Encouraging the art of the state multidisciplinary cross-curricular teaching plan and expanding it to our highest teaching level.PLANNED IMPACT // IMPACT ACHIEVEMENTCLIL and ICT methodologies are expected to invigorate our creative teaching style as well as promoting the teachers and students’ collaborative learning with European Schools. This will help arouse curiosity to prompt students and teachers to build a culture of engagement through reciprocal relationships with European communities and mutual exchange between members to finally make their mind up to depart to different countries to enrich their knowledge and social skills.FEASIBLE LONG-TERM OBJECTIVESThe 5 participants will be involved in a 24 active learning process and in a continue keeping in touch with Irish, English, Finish and Italian culture. This abroad knowledge, and overall our participation at the PISA course in Finland, will enable us to compare and study different educational systems in order to establish measures which help enhance our students’ results. We aim to share our knowledge with our workmates by means of workshops, meetings and cooperative assignments helping the spread of the European dimension. Consequently, the teaching preparation redounds to the whole educational community, mostly to the nature of quality of our lessons and our students’ learning.

