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IEA Involve-Enjoy-Achieve
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

“IEA” Involve – Enjoy- Achieve is a project born with the idea to give to the European Volunteers the opportunity to be really INVOLVED in the daily work of the organisation, to ENJOY the once in a lifetime experience being a European Volunteer in order to ACHIEVE objectives and aims necessary in both the job and social life. The presented project ”IEA Involve – Enjoy- Achieve” involves six volunteers in total from the following countries; Italy, Romania, Spain , Czech Republic and United Kingdom and seven organisations: OpportUNITY (United Kingdom), acting as coordinating, hosting organisation and sending organisation, Italy, Romania, Spain and Czech Republic as sending organisations and Poland and Greece as a coordinating and hosting organisation. The project will take place between June 2016 and May 2018: four volunteers will spend a year in Newcastle upon Tyne, one from the United Kingdom an year in Poland and one in Greece.The main aim of the project and planned activities is the promotion of youth work, European awareness, as well as fighting against any forms of discrimination with the help of innovative and engaging methods, based on the concept of non-formal educationWe strongly believe that the EVS experience is a great opportunity to promote important values such as democracy, tolerance, respect, solidarity and equality. Volunteers will be engaged in the daily work of the organisation and they will have the possibility to develop their own project. Using the method of learning by doing and non-formal education, volunteers will have a great impact at the local and international level and work in order to achieve the following objectives :- inspire and permit European young people, in particular with fewer opportunities, to get engaged and involved on the development of their personal and professional life, increasing and/or developing professional and entrepreneurship skills in order to increase employability and reduce poverty and social exclusion- promoting equity and social cohesion through non formal education, fostering participation and creativity, innovation and activism - promoting the respect of human rights, human dignity, freedom, democracy, tolerance, solidarity and supporting integration and equal opportunities between women and men - providing better opportunities for European young people, promoting the values of activism, solidarity, social inclusion and creation of more and equal opportunities in the labour market- promote Erasmus+ and EVS program



6 Participants partenaires