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HYPERYOUTH 3000 - a start-up training course in youth work on how to use web 2.0
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The international training course “HYPERYOUTH 3000” aimed at empowering current and future leaders of civil society with tools and competences in the efficient and creative use of web 2.0. The main part of this project, apart from preparation and follow-up, was a 7-day residential training course that took place in Helsingor (Denmark) from November 3rd to 11th of 2015, in which 34 youth workers from 11 countries took part (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey). Transversal aspects of the training course were the ERASMUS+ programme, professional and organizational development, and the fostering of new partnerships and projects. MAIN ELEMENTS AND OBJECTIVES (1) sharing realities and best practices in youth work (2) exploring and understanding active citizenship and participation of young people (3) building up technical competences for web 2.0 (4) building up strategic & editorial competences for web 2.0 (5) discussing web 2.0 vs youth work & civil society (6) follow-up plans and future actions APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY The training course was based on the specific needs of the participants and partner organisations, and was highly participatory. Diversity, e.g. in the group of participants, was considered as a resource for the exchange and transfer of competences, as well as special attention was paid to the intercultural dimension of the project. There were only few frontal lectures, the main part of the training course was delivered in the form of practical sessions implemented by the participants in a learning-by-doing fashion, using the full toolbox of non-formal education and experiential learning. The trainers took care of creating a supportive and safe learning environment, where participants are encouraged and coached while mastering challenges that contribute to their personal, professional and organisational development. The learning took place both on individual level as well as in synergetic group processes, while always based on the participants’ needs. Transversal emphasis was put on creativity and innovation, learning-to-learn, feedback, (self-)reflection and self-directed-learning as key supporting processes. Furthermore, special attention was paid to making the learning points of the training course relevant, sustainable and transferable, eg by producing exhaustive documentation and by providing templates for tailor-made development and action plans at all levels. A very important aspect of our methodology was the constant and ongoing use of web 2.0 tools, including some more sophisticated tools for collaborative and democratic working such as trello ( and wordpress. TIMETABLE OF COMPLETED ACTIVITIES: ACHIEVEMENT, IMPACT, LONG-TERM BENEFITS The various stages of evaluation show that the learning objectives set for this training course have been met, as well as the strategic objectives. The envisaged competences have been built up, and follow-up activities have been planned. We are very proud that during the few days of the training course the participants even managed to set up their own website: We are confident that the participants will implement and transfer their learning points as well as execute their follow-up plans and thus efficiently and creatively use of web 2.0 which will lead to a strengthening of the quality and impact of youth work (including ERASMUS+: Youth in Action), civil society and participatory democracy.



10 Participants partenaires